Hier in diesem Bereich befindet sich eine Sammlung fachlicher Informationen zum Thema PSSM und dessen Verlaufsformen
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PSSM (englisch)

05.08.2007, 16:46

Mal wieder in Englisch und vielleicht kennt Ihr das ja schon,
http://academic-server.cvm.umn.edu/neur ... M.htm#heal

Frequently Asked Questions
What is polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) in horses?
What are the signs of PSSM in horses?
What causes PSSM in horses?
What should I do if a horse is stiff and reluctant to move?
Does PSSM differ from HYPP in horses?
How do I know if my horse is having an episode of tying-up (not PSSM test)?
What if the episode occurred weeks ago and I want to know if my horse is susceptible to tying-up?
Can my horse's muscles heal after an episode of tying-up?
How is a diagnosis of PSSM in horses established and what is the difference between mild, moderate, and severe forms of PSSM?
Is PSSM in horses an inherited disease?
Is there a genetic test for PSSM in horses?
How do I prevent another episode of tying-up in my horse?
Can my horse be cured?
Where can I learn more about PSSM in horses?
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