Pfiffiges Ding... aber es verwirrt mich
Hab mal Fabis Ergebnisse eingegeben und....
IR Calculator
Enter your horses glucose and insulin values and choose the units they were reported in. Any conversions necessary will be done automatically for you. Then click "Calculate".
Glucose:70,2 mg/dLmmol/L
Insulin:39,2 uIU/mLpmol/L Note: uIU/mL = IU/L = U/L = mU/L
If the G:I ratio is less than 4.5, horse is severely IR. If the G:I ratio is between 4.5 and 10, the horse is compensated IR. A G:I ratio greater than 10 is normal.
G:I ratio = NaN
A RISQI greater than .32 is normal. A RISQI less than .32 indicates IR. A RISQI less than .22 indicates severe IR.
Some horses will have a normal G:I ratio and RISQI but still be in danger if the glucose is over 100. An MIRG greater than 5.6 will indicate IR in these cases.
IR Status = Normal, not IR