The study showed the most common cause of laminitis among horses seen at New Bolton Center was pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, also known as equine Cushing’s disease (ECD). In ECD the pituitary and adrenal glands produce abnormal amounts of hormones that play a vital role in the regulation of metabolism and inflammatory and immune responses.
All horses that developed laminitis during a six-year period (1996–2002) were tested for ECD by evaluation of plasma ACTH concentrations. ACTH is one of many hormones secreted in excess by the dysfunctional pituitary gland. Twenty-eight of the 40 horses with laminitis were diagnosed with ECD. Although ECD is considered a disease of older horses with an average age of 20 years, the study showed that ECD is common in horses in their teens.
The horses in the study ranged in age from three to 28 years with a median age of 15.5 years.
One of the most common clinical signs was an abnormal fat distribution including accumulation of fat in the neck (“cresty neck" ), top of the back, and over the tail head, in a horse with visible outlines of the ribs.
Only a third of the group had a long hair coat, another conspicuous sign of ECD,
and a fifth of the group with ECD did not have any other clinical signs.
In 21 percent of the horses with ECD, onset of laminitis occurred during September.
-bei 40 Rehepferden wurde 6 Jahre lang immer wieder der ACTH-Wert gemessen. Bei 28 der 40 Pferde wurde daraufhin Cushing diagnostiziert, wobei das Durchschnittsalter bei 15,5 Jahren lag. Betroffen waren Pferde von 3-28 J..
- häufigstes Symptom neben der Rehe waren Fettansammlungen am Hals, auf dem Rücken und überm Schweifansatz, während man bei dem Pferd trotzdem die Rippen gesehen hat
- nur 1/3 der Pferde hatte ein langes Fell
- 1/5 der Pferde hatte außer der Rehe keinerlei sonstige Anzeichen für Cushing
-1/5 der Pferde bekam die Hufrehe im September ... nitis.html